Vocal Song

Vocal Song is a Venezuelan a Capella group created by the following artistsVocal Song: Aldemar, Daniel, Javier, Eduardo, Leonardo and Ricardo. They are all from Maracaibo, Venezuela. They are friends since childhood, and all graduated from the prestigious school “Niños Cantores del Zulia (Children Choir of Zulia)” which represented Venezuela Internationally as their premier Choir around the world .

Their passion for music started while they were part of this renowned children’s choir back in 1991 and continued as they grew and were part and co-founders of the Gregorian Schola who represented Venezuela around the world (Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Syria and Egyptjust to mention a few). Their successful tours in Europe conquered the admiration of connoisseurs of Gregorian chant and sparked the idea of forming a Capella group that integrated different music styles. They are now known as Vocal Song.

In April of 1996 and with inspirational songs from the Beatles “Yesterday”, and groups like Boyz II Men, a new sound was born. The fusion of Jazz, Pop, Rock, Bolero, Bachata, Classical Music, Salsa and Merengue, and many other styles of music are what made Vocal Song unique and a new alternative sound.

The rest is history. Vocal Song has now shared the stage with artists such as: Guillermo Carrasco, Pedro Castillo, Frank Quintero, Ricardo Montaner, Christian Castro, Diego Torres, Lolita Flores, Diego el Cigala, Olga Tañón, Gilberto Santarosa, Neri per Caso, Juan Gabriel, Ilan Chester, Chayanne, Chino and Nacho as well as many others including the universal tenor Luciano Pavarotti.

Throughout the year, Vocal Song has been recognized and given multiple awards, but their Latin Grammy award nomination as Best Contemporary Tropical Album opened their doors to a worldwide audience that finds in their sound a new and refreshing sound.
Vocal Song’s innovative style and fresh singing approach is a true testament of the talent and artistry that these best friends from childhood want to bring to the world and share with their audience.

Our vision

We want to create a unique musical experience for our audiences by mixing sounds that appeal to them, but acapella.

Band Members

Aldemar – Director – Tenor II
Javier – Bajo
Daniel – Baritono
Polli – Tenor IV
Ricardo – Tenor III
Leonardo – Tenor I
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